Friday, September 17, 2010

#8 - Get rid of those Pesky Love Handles in only 15 minutes a week...

Don't you just love handles? It's fantastic when you load a family in, place it, need to stretch it, and they just work. But OH is it frustrating when they don't! We really need to have some control over which parameters get handles and which don't. I know, type parameters don't get handles. But what if I've got an instance parameter but I really don't want it to have a handle? (Give it a formula, make it type anyway, ignore it). I've got some families with 15 instance dimensional parameters. 15!. I want to control all but two of them using the align tool in the project. Just the overall width and length need a handle. Instead, I've got 30 handles cluttering up my screen every time I select the family (one for each end!). Worse, some of them overlap and I can't even figure out which I'm picking until I move it. (Yes, I know there is a workaround - this post ins't about a crummy workaround that takes 2 minutes per parameter to execute) Why can't we specify which instance parameters get a handle and which don't? This would make placing and editing complex families much simpler! So, #8 is a way to define where I've got a handle and where I don't. If only my workouts could be simplified like this...

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